

Paragraph 1And not very long after that, he made a surprisingdecision. He decided to use all his rights to prepare forhis life at the remote island. In the first year he senttroops, veterinarians and animal trainers to kill the wildanimals or train them for good use. The task was sohuge but it was worthwhile. Then the king sent a lot offarmers to start a wide rice field and began to grow riceNext he had many facilities, from hospital to school, builtAfter that he sent a lot of educated people there. At lasthe sent all his families to the islandParagraph 2Finally the time came when the king had to be thrownaway to the island. With many strong soldiers catchinghim, he smiled. He had prepared everything for the finalday.When he was sent to the island the island had taken ona new look Everybody there lived a comfortable life andthe king was welcomed warmly by his people. Theycheered, " Long live the wise king. The wise king livedhappily ever after. The clever people live now in theworld to prepare for their life in the future.



