

范文Dear jackIve learned with delight that you won the first prize in the U.S. Midwest Chinese Bridge SpeechContest. Please accept my most sincere congratul ati ons and best wishes for a good futureI know how talented you are and how much hard work you' ve made to attain the goal. No onecould be more deserving of the success. And I'm very glad to hear that you owe your success to myhelp and want to study Chinese with me as well. I' m surely willing to give you a hand It's such aat encouragement to me to see your efforts rewarded. Im determined to learn English well, so cayou do me a favor to help me learn English?do hope you can take part in the final contest to be held in China and expect your furtherachievement. Looking forward to he aring from you soonYoursLi Hua范文Dear Jack,I have leaned with delight that you got the first prize in the U.S. Midwest Chinese BridgeSpeech Contest. I would like to extend to you my utmost congratul ations on your suc cess. You mustbe both excited and delighted. And I feel very happy for youIt is quite exciting news. I know this is surely owing to your hard work. It is a reward you richlydeserve. Having you as a friend, I really feel both proud and lucky because I can learn so much fromyou. I wish you would continue to help me with my English, and meanwhile I would be willing tohelp you with your Chinese as well. As we all know, you are a hard-working and talentedperson, which is essential for making achievements. I am sure that I can learn much from you, forwhich I wish you can teach me EnglishI hope that you can take part in the final contest to be held in China. I wish you would continueyour efforts and gain further success in the future. Your success tells me that hard work will pay offn the end. And your example is a constant inspiration to me. I will strug gle to catch up with youMy best wishes to your further success. Congratul ations againYLi Hua


【语篇导读】本文是一篇议论文。什么是与己为善?它与自和有何不同呢?不同的人对此给出了不同的答案。8D【解析】词义猜测题。根据画线单词后面一句可知,我们锻炼身体时有一部分原因是想获得某种好处,即保持魅力,而这个例子正说明了前一句中的观点,即与己为善或与人为善时人们必定期待能得到某种好处。9A【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段中的 being kindto oneself certainly has selfishness involved以及we exercise we.. hold on to our attractiveness F]%Bobbie认为人们锻炼的一个有自私性质的原因是:想要看起来有魅力。10.B【解析】推理判断题。根据第六段中的 when idon’tget…,. a huge grump可知, Tomoko睡眠不足时就会变得脾气很坏,根据此可推断她睡眠不足时易被意怒珍护【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,“我”需要满足自己身心所需,以便能够帮助他人,成为股善良的力量,由此推断,作者认为与己为善是与人为善的前提保障。

