

第一节短文改错It is harder than it sounds to build how much sleep people of different agesneeds. You can, of course, measure how many hours of sleep people actualget and if you do this you find that on average older people sleep for a shortertime than their younger friends, and that only tells you that they get less sleepnot that they need less sleep Sometimes people will say that the reason olderpeople can sleep at night is that they've spent part of the day nappedantHowever, others argue that feeling extremely sleep during the daytime shouldnot∧ acceptedary aspect of ageing. Sleeplessness in the retired isnot always taken seriously by doctor. Last year, experts said 69% of olderproblem, but in 81% of the cases the problem was1.(爸漏唐什么Q命题人考查的是主谓-致考主语为“ people'”,时态为般现在时,谓语动词应用动词原形。故将nes改为need暴⑨ actual→ actually什么命题人考查的是副词的用法这么考此处应用副词修饰动词“ge"”。故将acul改为 actually7:上3.(否⑨ and-,but什么Q命题人考查的是连词的用法。这么考此处句意:……老年人睡眠要比他们年轻的朋友在睡眠的时间上稍短,但那只是告诉你们,他们睡眠少罢了……。由此可知,上下句之间存在转折关系,而非递进关系,应用but。故将and改为hut鼠③唐什么命题人考查的是情态动词的用法。这么考●此处句意:有时人们会说老年人晚上睡不着的原因是他们白天有一部分时间在打盹。根据句意可知这里应用情态动词的否定形式。故将can改为can't。5.(w@ napped-napping什么命题人考查的是非谓语动词么考此处使用了固定短语“ spend+时间+ding",应用动名词形式。故将 napped改为6.(⑨sdep→lepy什么命题人考查的是系表结构。么考此处为系动词fel后跟形容词构成系表结构,表示“感到困乏”,应用 sleepy.故将 sleep改为sle7.(幂⑨ not A accepted什么Q命题人考查的是动词的语态。么考根据语境可知,此处表示被动关系缺少助动词be。故在not和 aceepted之间加be8.(⊙ doctor-+ doctors唐什么Q命题人考查的是名词的数这么考·根据语境知此处的名词 doctor”作“by”的宾语,应用名词的复数形式。故将 doctor改为 doctors唐什么@命题人考查的是动词的时态么根据时间状语“ ast yeaI”可知,此处应用过去的时态;根据语境可知,此处应用一般过去时,had多余,而非用其构成过去完成时。故删除had爸⑨什么Q命题人考查的是名词所有格么考●根据语境可知,此处是名词“ patient”修饰名词“ chart”,应用¨ patient"的所有格形式,即 patient s。故将 patke: TH改为 patient se


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