2022 英语周报 高一 AHW 23答案




【解题导语】本文是一篇应用文,共介绍了四种过一个快乐春节的方法。包括干什么,吃什么等21.B细节理解题,根据第一项活动No.1 choice:ski!中的“ Compared to last year, this year’ s event hasthe new skating zone and Snow Dodgem.(与去年相比,今年的活动有了新的滑冰区和雪道碰碰车)”可知,第二个鸟巢雪季今年有两个新项目,故答案为B22.A细节理解题。根据第三项活动No.3 choice:family tour ag]"Hong Kong Disneyland is an ideal choicefor a family tour especially with children. At theage of five, the disneyland will formally start thegrand ceremony" Leaping Wonders”.(香港迪斯尼乐园是家庭旅游的理想选择,特别是带孩子的家庭旅游。迪斯尼五周年时,迪斯尼乐园将正式开始盛大的仪式“跳跃奇观”)”可推断,迪斯尼五周年了错误,是五周年时开始盛大的仪式“跳跃奇观”开始。故答案为A23.C细节理解题,根据第四项活动No.4 choice:express rail travel "The best scenery along the jour-ney is Hengshan Mountain Hengyang, HunanProvince) where visitors can enjoy the snow sightappreciate the Zhurong Peak and search for themysterious Fangguang Temple.(沿途最好的风景是衡山(衡阳,湖南省)游客可以在那里欣赏雪景,欣赏珠荣峰,寻找神秘的芳光寺)”和最后一段Delicacies along the way Baoqing pork bloodballs, Maojia braised pork, Hunan preserved fishWuhan hot dry noodles, Wuchang fish, WuhanDoupi (a kind of snack made from sticky ricebeef, mushrooms and beans) and Jingwu duckneck.(沿途美食:宝庆猪血丸子、毛家红烧猪肉、湖南腌制鱼、武汉热干面、武昌鱼、武汉豆皮(一种由糯米、牛肉、蘑菇和豆类制成的小吃)和精武鸭脖)”可知,游客既可以看到美丽的场景,也可以品尝美味的食物是No.4 choice: express rail travel故答案为C

2022 英语周报 高一 AHW 23答案

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