

【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一个新颖的观点:“懒惰”往往能驱动我们进行创新。32.D。推理判断題。从下文内容可以推断出文章开头引用洛杉矶时报的这个故事是为了引人主题:“懒惰”往往能驱动我们进行创新。33.C。细节理解题,从第三段第一句 In recent years, some psychologists and business leaders have wised叩pto this insight, shifting our perspective of what laziness really means.可以得知一些心理学家和商业领袖已经意识到这种观点,自然而然改变了我们的观点。34.A。推理判断题。从文章最后一句话可以推出答案。B选项不符合原文,CD两个选项是直接信息。35.D。推理判断题。文章最后一段强调的是有意识地休息“做做白日梦”的诸多益处:有助于大脑保存信息,获取新的视角…从而解决问题,因此下一段很有可能建议大家有意识地“做做白日梦”。


One possible versionSeveral minutes later, the ice broke suddenly and Harry's feet sank into the water. It was noep, but his legs got wet to the knees. Harry was so upset that the accident would delay hisschedule. He had to find some firewood to build a fire to dry his clothes. He pulled off his glovestook out his matches, and lighted the fire. Seeing the burning fire, he had thought he was safe. Butsuddenly, without warming, a heavy mass of snow dropped down. The flame of hope was put outUnluckily, his dog ran away and the fear of death came over Harry. He had no choice but torun to save himself. However, he did not feel his feet when they hit the ground. Having falleneveral times, he decided to rest a while. As he lay in the snow, he noticed he was not shaking. Hecould not feel his nose or fingers or feet. A feeling of horror came into his mind. It was when herealized he was going to die that he heard a bark and the noise his friends made

