

第二节书面表达Dear JimmyIs everything going smoothly with you recently? Testrengthen our understanding of Chinese culture. ourschool will hold a talent show about traditional Chinesefestivals. The reason why i write the letter to you is that iwant to invite you to take part in it.le competition will be held on the stage set up onhe playground in our school on the morning of may 16when all the teachers will be present. Youd better presentyour favorite dance to show your understanding of oneChinese festival, which not only provides you with thechance to prove your talent, but it will also help you winthe support of the judgesHoping that you can take part.Yours.Li h


20.(1)Cu2(1分)B(1分)(2)不能(1分)Co2+和Ni+沉淀的pH范围相差太小(2分)(3)B(2分)(4)S,03+ H,O HS: OF+ OH"(2 33)S2O-+4Cl2+5H2O=2S0;-+8Cl-+10H(2分)【解析】(1)由图甲可看出,当pH=3时,Cu(OH)2的溶解度非常大,铜主要以Cu2*的形式存在;若要除去CuCl2溶液中的少量Fe3+,应该控制溶液的pH,使Fe(OH)3的溶解度非常小,同时Cu(OH)2的溶解度非常大或者说Cu2可以稳定存在,即在2.5

