

第三节One possible version:Work plays an extremely important role in Americanculture. sope ople find retirement difficultas they may feeluseless without jobs. Retirement can also bring financialproblems as Social Security cheeks dont provide enoughmoney. However, some senior citizens feel happy aboutretirement as they finally get time to do what they reallywant. American government is solving retired citizensproblems and considering their special needs, which is wiseand necessary, because everyone will get oid.


【语篇导读】本文属于应用文,主要介绍了乌克兰境内几处著名的城堡和宫殿。作者从它们的修建历史地理位置以及特色等方面作了介绍。1.A【解析】细节理解题。根据 Khotyn Fortress中Andit is near to the old Kam yanets Castle of Kamianets-Po-dilskyi, which was also used as a famous defensive strueture.可知,该城堡与 Old Kam' vanets Castle临近,这个城堡也是曾经被用作防御工事,由此推知, Khotanportress过去是作防御工事用的,故选A。2.D【解析】细节理解题。通过对比四个历史遗迹存在的时间长短可知, Metropolitan Palace修建于18641882年之间,比修建于1830年的 Vorontsov Palace还要晚,故选D。3.A【解析】文章出处题。本文介绍了乌克兰境内四个著名城堡和宫殿,谈到了它们的地理位置、悠久的历史以及建筑特色。特别是在介绍 Khotyn Fortress时,作者还提到了该城堡附近的旅馆;在介绍Kamenets-Podolsk Castle时,作者提到了该城堡每年吸引了众多旅游者;在介绍 Metropolitan Palace时,作者提到了该宫殿是联合国教科文组织认定的世界遗产文化地。由此可知,这篇文章可能来自一本旅游杂志,故

