

22.解:(1)消去直线l:C=24+1,3(为参数)中的参数t得直线l的普通方程为x-2y-7=0;由分r +y pcos=得曲线C的直角坐标方程为(x-1)2+y2=4.…(2)圆C的圆心为(1,0),半径为2,…4分分圆心(1,0)到直线l:x-2y-7=0的距离为d=657分所以曲线C上的点到直线l的距离的最小值为652,最大值为+2分所以曲线C上的点到直线!的距离的取值范围为[2,55+210分


One possible version:Dear JonahI'm sorry to hear that you want to give upyour part in the play. I m writing to persuade younot to do thatFirst of all, all the roles are important in aplay and remember that helping your friend toshine is part of being a friend. Second, playingyour part in the play is a good chance for you toimprove your acting. So, finding ways to worktogether, like practicing your lines or dancesteps, will make the play better instead of givingit up. Finally, remember that this play will endbut your friendship will continueI hope you will find my suggestions helpful.Yours,Li Hua

