

第一节One possible versionDear Ms JenkinsI'm writing to ask you for help. Our school is going to sponsor an exhibition of Chinese paintings in theschool library next month. As president of the student council, i have been assigned the job of drafting an arnouncement in English as there aredreds of international students in our schoohave already written a rough draft of the above-mentioned announcement. But I'm afraid that there aresome mistakes in the English language. So I am hoping you would correct my possible mistakes in the announce-ment that i have attachedId appreciate it if you could do me the favocerely yourLIH


写作【答案】 As indicated in a new study. early exposure to e- cigarettes may trigger tobacco smoking in teens.要点) Comparison oftobacco use initiation between students with e-agarettes experiences and those nonusers has been made, the resuit of whichreveals a significant increase of smoking tendency in the former (mt 3 with the prevalence of e-cigarettes, it's worthpaying attention to teens smoking pattens and considering the detrimental effects possibly exerted by e-cigarettes tet aV4)

