2022 英语周报 高一 课标 51答案


第二节书面表达【写作指导】类型:通知审题时态:一般将来时和一般现在时为主人称:第三人称为主丰富校生活Para.1h陈述举办竞赛的目的增强学生食品安全意识国作思时间:竞賽时间和报名截止时间Pa2赛的时间地点和方式地点学校大礼堂报告厅芋方式:问答Para.3呼吁同学们积极参加【佳作展台】Noticecontest concerning the subject is to be held in our scho. a knowledgeAimed at raising students' awareness of food safetyThe contest is scheduled in the school hall from 2: 00 pm to 4: 00 pmon November 27th. It mainly consists of two rounds. First, all competitorsare required to answer five questions about food safety. The top 20competitors will have the opportunity to compete in the second roundwhere they will be asked another five more challenging questions. If youare interested, please sign up at the Student Union office before November20thLooking forward to your active participation【亮点梳理】亮点词汇: aimed at, awareness, schedule,berequired to do, sign up亮点结构:分词短语作状语( Aimed at raising studIents'awareness ofod safety), where引导的非限制性定语从句( where they will be askedanother five more challenging



2022 英语周报 高一 课标 51答案

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