2022 英语周报 高三 课标 60答案




Dear GaryPm writing in response to your request for information about Chinese pronunciation. Impleased to prov ide you with answers to solve your problem.Hello talk is a suitable app for you. It has a collection of audio materials covering variouslevels. It also offers a voice recorder tool, with which you may record your pronunciation andcompare it with that of a native speakerWith the app, you will definitely make great progress. Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua(80 wordsPossible version 2.Dear Gary,Hearing that you encounter several problems in Chine se learning, I d like to offer you mysugge stionsAn app called Hichine se is my top recommendation. It features dialogues in real life context,which will ensure you a good command of daily useful expre ssions. Besides, keeping a dictionary athand is also a must for you. Hence, I highly recommend The Modern Chinese Dictionary in whichvarious meanings of the same word are exemplified in detailWish you every success in your Chinese learningYoursLi Hua87wordsPossible version 3:Dear GaryHappy to know that you're study ing Chinese recently, I m writing to answer your request inyour letterCCTV 4 is a choice second to none, where you can be completely exposed to authenticpronunciation of Chine se as well as daily conversations. As for writing Chinese characters, you cansearch bookstores for "The Beginner' s Guide to Chinese Calligraphy"and practice it as instructedHopefully, the information above will be of some help to youYoursLi Hua(80 words

2022 英语周报 高三 课标 60答案

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