2022英语周报 高一外研 36答案


第二节读后续写( One possible version)Finally, the day came. Anxious but excited, I spent the whole day cleaning the house andpreparing the food. With everything ready, all guests arrived one by one. within the next hourand a half, I had six complete strangers laughing, eating, and drinking at my apartment. Musicwas playing, the conversation was flowing, and new friendships were being formed. It wasincredible. One of the people, whom I messaged on Instagram, told me this was one of the mostfun New York City experiences he'd ever had. All enveloped in a curtain of darkness, it was timeto say goodbyeWhen everyone had left, I sat down and processed what had just happened. I couldn,'tbelieve that 48 hours before I didnt know any of these people, and now we were all laughing andtalking like we'd always been friends. It was a really enjoyable and unforgettable experience forme. It also made me realize that doing something kind for strangers isnt awkward butmeaningful. Whether it's paying it forward with a cup of coffee or simply smiling at a stranger,random acts of kindness do make the world a little better (173 words)



2022英语周报 高一外研 36答案

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