

第二节【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。假如你在野外开车遇到火灾怎么办?本文就此给出几点建议。16.参考答案E说明分析根据下文 If you know or can see the direction the fire ismoving In, try to drive away from it as best you can:"可知,如果你知道或看见火势移动的方向,尽力开车避开,所以E项(向浓烟或火焰相反的方向行驶)符合语境17.参考答案D说明分析根据上文“ Drive slowly and turn on your headlights and hazardlights.(缓慢开车,打开前灯和危险警示灯)”及下文“ By doingso firefighters around might see your car and help you.(这样做的话,周围的消防员可能会看到你的车并帮助你)”可知,D项(你的车在烟雾弥漫的环境中很容易被看到)承上启下,符合语境18.参号答案F说明分析本段的主题句是“ Keep an eye out for people or animals.(留意人或动物)”,根据上文“ Accidents are a major risk in poordriving conditions.(恶劣的驾驶条件下,事故是一大风险)"及FX lf you're worried that people or animals are nearby but youn' t see them, use your hom.(如果你担心附近有人或动物,但你看不见他们,用你的喇叭)”可知,F项(人和动物可能会受到惊吓,在路上奔跑)承上启下,符合语境19.参考答案A说明分析根据+文“ Keep listening to the radio for information aboutwhere the fire is heading.(持续收听收音机获取信息,了解火势的走向)”及下文“ Have the winds changed at al?(风向有所改变吗?)”可知,A项(它是否朝着新的方向蔓延?)承上启下,符合语境。20.参与答案B说明分析根据下文“ If your way becomes blocked or you can see thefire moving towards you, pull the car over to a safe area.(如果你的路被堵住了,或者你看到火正向你逼近,把车停到一个安全的地方)”可知,B项(如果你看到火焰越来越近,请靠边停车)与下文紧密衔接,符合语境。


19.AC夹角最大时,OB与AB垂直,这时,B= ra sin 0,由开普勒第三定律:T3n7BVsm3b,t时间内卫星与地心连接扫过的面积:S=×πr2,则sin a由此可知,A、C项正确

