英语周报 2018-224答案


22.【答案】解:(I)f(x)=ab=√3sin=cos+(√3cos)2sin ax+=cos ax=v3 sin(ax+-)分由题意可知,点A的纵坐标为3,…分△ABC为等边三角形,∴BC=2,即函数的周期T=4,“=了=2,f(x)=m2x+3,:g(x)=√sim(x-3)+3+1=√3smn2+1.5分(m)9(x-2x)=√3sini(r-2x)+1=√3c0sx+13sn2x-√3mgx-2x)≤m+4对任意x∈R恒成立,3sin2x-3m(3cosx+1)≤m+4,即3cs2x+3mcsx+(3+1)m+1≥0对任意x∈R恒成立,7分cosx=/ I,即3+3m+m+1≥0在∈(-1,1上恒成立8分=32+3mt+m+1设,对称轴时,即m≥2时,9(-1)=-2m+420,解得m≤2,所以m=2;≥1当2时,即m≤-2时,(1)=4m+420,解得m2-1(舍P( 2-4m2+m+1≥0当时,即2


【考范文】Dear fellow studentsWith the cold and flu season colliding (Rzi) with the COVID. 19 pandemic, how to protect ourselves ismailer of urgency. To combat the flu and other illnesses this season, all students had better do as followsThe single best way to prevent seasonal flu is to get vaccinated, but good health habits like avoidingpeople who are sick, covering your cough and washing your hands of ten can help stop the spread of germsadditionally, it's strongly advised to get enough sleep and reduce stress, which is also of great help.It's high time that we took preventive measures to ensure a sound body and a happy lifeStudent Union

英语周报 2018-224答案

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