英语周报 201目标 28答案


第二部分语言运用第一节【语篇类型】记叙文【主题语境】人与自我——人生感悟【文章大意】竞争带来的压力扰乱了作者的科研事业,夺了他的快乐。后来,作者意识到合作比竞争更强大,它意味着双赢。【核心素养】本文通过讲述作者的人生感悟,向考生传了合作的重要性,从而引导考生培养合作意识和合作能力。「词汇积累》wkcm(使)醒来;唤起,被唤起" competitive adj"i心求胜的;竞争的 opposite rr.对立的人(或物),对立面o对面的;相反的prep,与……相对,在…对面 occupation n.工作职业;消達,业余活动;侵占;占用21.B根据语境可知,此处表示这个早晨就像其他任何一个早晨样。just"只是,仅仅是”,符合谱境22.A根据下文中的” And I realized I was one of them"可知,此处表示作者内心的某种东西开始苏M( awaken)。争论,争辩";settle"安静下来”。23.C根据语境和常识可知,此处表示作者看到身边的人—一耳机垂在耳边,眼睛(eyes)低垂,脸上没有笑kage"包裹";shadow"阴影,影子"。24.D根据上文中的" unsmiling faces"和下文中的" I was one ofthem" I began to feel alone and lost"可知,此处表示他们看起来不高兴( upset)。 unfriendly"不友好的"; unhealthy"不健康的,虚弱的";lose"自由的,无束缚的25.A根据上文中的" I was at the bus stop, on my way to the lab”和下文中的" booked a one-way ticket to fly home"可知,此处表示作者突然再也无法继续( continue)工作了,所以作者预订了一张回家的单程票。 balance"权衡,保持平衡"; Improve"改善,改进"; predict"预言,预告”。26,C根据下文中的” Those whe heen collaborators(合作者) became competitors"" this competition"可知,多年来,作者变得更一心求胜( compettive)了 mature"成熟的,明白事理的";academic"学习良好的,学术的”; positive·积极乐观的,自信的27,D根据上文中的”But"和下文中的" So I began to feel alone andlost"可知,此处表示竟争的结果和作者所希望的完全相反( opposite)。 outcome"结果"; choice"选择";tase"事例,实例28B根据上文中的 this competition”和下文内容可知,此处表示竞争)必须结束。 loneliness"孤独,寂寞"; prejudice"偏见,成见29.D作者给教授们发了邮件,解释说自己把工作( occupation)放在首位、把自己放在第二位太长时间了。 evaluation"估计,评价,评估"; reputation”名誉,名声"; production"生产,制造,制作"。30.D根据下文中的” my family and friends about my problems"可知,此处表示回家后作者向家人和朋友倾诉自己的问题。 open up to直抒胸臆,畅所欲言”,符合语境。 get along with"与…相处融洽"; keep away from"避免接近,远离,勿靠近"31.A根据下文中的" I guessed they expected me to join them againtheir stress of academic life"和" vUlnerable(脆弱的)researchers were32 their heads out of their shells(壳)"可知,作者也开始收到同事( workmates发来的电子邮件。32B根据上文提到的作者和同事之间开始交流感情可知,此处表示脆弱的研究人员正把头伸到( sticking)壳外。此处是一种比哈用法,比喻研究人员开始尝试与别人交流感情muny exp知,此处表示作者明白,我们每个人都有挣扎( struggle)的时候,脆弱和合作可能会比竞争更强大。fai"失败"; regret"后悔hesitate"犹豫34.A参见上题解析。 powerful"强有力的,力量大的,很有效的familiar"熟悉的"; painful”令人痛苦的35D根据上文中的" I understand that we all33 shorelines,andthat vulnerability and collaboration can brf morencompetition"和下文中的" instead of one where one side gains whilethe other side loses"可知,此处表示这可以是一个双赢游戏,而不是方得益一方受损的游戏。 close finish不相上下,以微小差距分高下";win- win gane'"双贏游戏


读后续写Possible version lI stared at the paper and then looked around. I was cold. Although I could not see my sistersnor the new house, which was hidden from my sight by a grey wall, I got the feeling that I was notalone. Walking along the shore was a tall familiar figure who looked lost in his thoughts. I lookedgain at the paper in my hand, closed my eyes and wishedAs /opened my eyes, I found my father was standing right beside me. Happy birthday, sonhe said, patting my shoulder gently. I smiled up at him and took his hand. Looking back, life fromthat day on marked the start of a close bond and a strong friendship with my father. What was mybirthday surprise? Wishes do come truePossible version 2I stared at the paper and then looked around. On the backside, there was a map. I noticed thatit was clearly leading me in a direction, but who could have sent this? I stood there in silence andstudied it. I decided to follow the map and it led me down the beach until I reached a staircase. Iooked back and could no longer see my siblings. I continued to follow the point on the map, untilI unexpectedly lost my footing and fell zksq down the stepsAs I opened my eyes, I found my father was standing right beside me. Happy birthday, sonhe said, patting my shoulder gently. Then he asked how I had come upon this place? I explained tohim that I had found the bottle in the ocean and when I opened it had the words on it. Shocked bythe message, my father realized what I had found I threw this bottle into the ocean many years agowhen I was alone. he said. I used to come to this exact place to get away from everyone else. NowI get to share this experience with you. What a birthday surprise

英语周报 201目标 28答案

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