

C【语篇类型】说明文【主题语境】人与社会——科技与生活【文章大意】本文介绍了一项研究,该研究发现,虽然随着科技的进步,孩子们在屏幕上花的时间越来越多,但他们的社交技能并没有下降【核心素养】通过阋读本篇文章,考生需能够理解文章信息,对目的意图进行合理推断,理解文中人物的观点态度。园难句分析, They compared how teachers and parents rated social skillsho引导定语从句修饰 achiletrenhw引导宾语从句of children(who started kindergarten ini 1998)with data on those who startedhcn引导非限制性定语从句school in 2010. (when the: first iPad appearedho引导定语从句修饰 those牵文:他们对比了两组数据:老师和父母对1998年开始上幼儿园的孩子的社交技能的评价,与对在第一代ad问世的2010年开始上学的孩子的社交技能的评价。8.A【关键能力】考查推理判断的能力【解题思路】根据第段的内容可知, Downey和他的儿子Nck关于屏幕时间是否影响Nik这一代人的社交技能发生争论, Downey意识到他缺少可靠的证据证明自已的观点,于是开始这项研究。由此可知,文章提及 Downey和儿子Nick的争论是为了说明 Downey开始这项研究的原因,即弄清屏幕时间是否影响孩子的社交技能9.c【关键能力】考查理解具体信息的能力。【解题思路】根据第二段最后一句" Downey was surprised to finddespite the time spent on smartphones and social media, young peopley are as socially skilled as those from the previous generation "Fu 9段中的" I explained to him how bad his generations social skills werebecause they spent so much time on screens"可知, Downey研究发现尽管现在的年轻人花很多时间在智能手机和社交媒体上,但他们的社交技能和上一代人一样娴熟,这与 Downey最初的想法大不相同因此他感到惊讶。10.B【关键能力】考查理解具体信息的能力。【解题思路】根据第三段内容,尤其是最后一句" In generalsocial skills°可知,研究发现屏幕时间几乎不会影响孩子的社交11.B【关键能力】考查理解态度的能力。【解题思路】根据第三段中的" In general, there was little evidencethat screen time damages most children s social skills"可知,总体上几乎没有证据表明屏幕时间损害了大多数孩子的社交技能;再结合Mage说的话" There is a tendeney for every generation at my ageto worry about the younger generation. It is an old story. Now we knowwe really shouldnt have been so"可知, Maggie认为父母一代总是会为年轻一代担心,这是很常见的事,而这项研究表明父母其实不用担心屏幕时间会损害孩子的社交技能,所以Mage的态度是放心的。


參考范文about a week later, Pomilla and Andrew got to meet her son'sSavion comilla and Andrew arrived at the metro station at theappointed time, anxiously waiting for Case to come. When Casearrived with a big smile, they felt very happy and excited. Casehugged Andrew warm-heartedly and reached out his right hand, sayingto him. Would you like to take it again?"without hesitation theboy took it and held it firmly. After talking for some time, Pomillatook out the badge and gave it back to Case. Many passengers tookictures of the sceneTaylor Pomilla was moved and expressed her thanks to Caseagain She asked Case how he could calm andrew down at that timeCase told her that he had a daughter with autism and that he hadreceived special training on how to deal with autistic children. Hepromised to visit them often to help Andrew grow up happily. As hewas talking, he took out a police badge that he made by hiimself andgave it to Andrew, who was more than happy to accept it. Ever sincethen they have been friends

