



读后续写The man wus surprised. He was touched byAshwin's conscience and said he wanted to meet his family. Ashwin took the man home and introduced him to hisfamily. The man looked at the poor condition of Ashwin'shouse and his children and told Ashwin that he would liketo help his family, Ashwin refused, but the man was insistent and said. "I would like to take the responsibility foreducating your children. "Ashwin could not refuse the assistance since he wanted the children to become someoneimportant. He agreed to send them to the city.Ashwin's children then got educated and did well.Each vacation they went home to visit their parents. Ashwin often reminded them, "Never do anything at the costI someone else. "The children remembered the advice andfollowed it. Ycars later. they became suceessful. Whenthe poor man's children had children of their own, they of-ten told them the story about the small bag with 50 goldcOIns

