



【写作指导】本写作任务要求考生劝慰朋友,写作时语言要简明扼要,感情要真挚,措辞要贴切,要以乐观的口吻减少对方的烦恼和痛苦。行文时,考生可采用三段式结构:第一段:就对方遇到的困难表示理解,给予安慰。可用表达OIm sorry to hear that you are having such ahard/ tough time at the moment.得知你目前身处困境,我很难过。Q2I just cannot tell you how sorry I am to learn得知……你不知道我有多难过。BI was deeply concerned when I learned that...当我得知……时,我深感忧虑。第二段:陈述你对对方遇到的问题的看法,并给出相应建议。可用表达:As far as I am concerned/ From my point ofview, it would be wise to.在我看来……是明智的。② You'd better do./ You might as well do…你最好做……/你不妨做…③ It couldn' be better if you could…如果你能……就再好不过了。第三段:表达自己的祝愿和希望。可用表达:O Please dont hesitate to tell me if there isanything I can do.如果需要我做什么,请直接告诉我。rEmember I won't be far away when you needany help!记住,你需要任何帮助时,我就在不远处!③ May you get rid of your trouble soon.愿你早日摆脱烦恼。【佳作展台Dear JacksonLearning that you're in low spirits when you arenot allowed to adopt a dog, I'myou out.In my opinion, adopting a dog does have variousadvantages, such as keeping you company andrelieving your study stress. But there is no denying thefact that tending to a dog would take up much time(B)语从句). More time spent on that means less time onstudy. Maybe that,'s why your parents decline yourequest(表语从句). So I think you should firstonsider how to balancestudy and pet-keeping("疑问词+不定式”结构作宾语). Then communicatewith your parents and express yourself. I believethey'll support you finallyPlease don' t hesitate to tell me if you need aep(条件状语从句). May you get rid of your troubleYoursLi Hua


3xx≤23.【解析】(1依题意,得f(x)={2-x1 0,(t-3)(2+t2+1≥+3.…10分

