

【语篇导读】本文为记叙文。作者作为新人,面临着公司的裁员,作者因为写了关于一个需要一份工作来养家糊口的女士的故事,让其得到工作,而自己也得到了本地杂志的邀请信。作者的经历告诉我们:善行总归会有好报的。4.A【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段 Throughout theday, rumors(iH)warned that the newest employeefrom each department would be laid off. I was the newestone in the training department.可知,在这个雨天,因为作者的单位正在减员,谣传每个部门的最新雇员将被解雇。作者是培训部最新的一个雇员,因为不确定自己是否会被解雇,所以作者的心里应当是很紧张的,故选A。5.D【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段 Administrationwants us to offer outplacement classes to help thoseemployees find other jobs, showing them how to act in anInterview, for example可知,老板想请他给下岗工人上课,告诉他们在面试中如何做,即帮助那些下岗工人找到新工作,故选D6.C【解析】细节理解题。根据第五段 I decided to dosomething for her. I wrote to a newspaper expressing howI felt about the unselfishness of the Cookie Lady who nee-ded u job可知作者写信给一家报纸,写了有关这位女土的故事,故选C7.A【解析】推理判断题。本文作者面临着公司对新人的裁员,作者因为写了关于一个需要一份工作来养家糊口的女士的故事,让其得到工作,而自己也得到了本地杂志的邀请信。这说明了善行总归会有好报的。故选A


书面表达One possible version:NOTICEA sports meeting will be held in the playground of our school from next Thursday to FridayAs you know, the pressure of study is very heavy now, especially for those senior 3. So the purpose of the sports meeting is to letevery student get relaxed, as a result of which we students can live happily and heal thilyEveryone is welcome to take part in it. Those who perform excellently at the sports meeting will get prizes. But don' t take theresults so serously because taking part is more important than the result. Good luck to everyone!

