

做媾:Dear JiM考Delighted to have received your email asking for My advices(advice) on which university to choose, l am tryng to offer you with soMe suggestionsAs kyou) have long been interested in Chinese cul ture. I think Beij ing Language and Cul ture University is your better(best) choice. Knowing(known) for its language and cul ture courses ntended for intemational students, the university is an ideal place, which(where) I believe you will have a rewarding experience. Since it is not(an)easy task to live in a different culture. I think it will be beneficial of (for) you to learn some basic Chinese before you come. That way. you May adjust to live(l iving) here as soon as possbleHopeful ly, My suggestions will be of some help to you and I bel ieved (believe) you will achieve your dreours些通车Li Hua


作文:Recently, Wechat has gained great popularity. Some individuals speak highly of it, while others thinkotherwiseOn the one hand, those who are in favor of us ing We chat claim that it can enhance interpersonal relatnships via coMMunicating with one another by call ing a video phone. Besides, it is easy to read an onl ne book, hire a taxi or order your lunch on Wechat, which provides people with enough convenience. AdditionallyWechat can assist helpless parents find the ir lost child by extending the news. providing great help. All inall. the purpose of this App is to offer people the ultimate convenienceHowever, on the other hand, some people argue that we still shoul dn t ignore its negative effects. Ithas been a coMMon phenomenon that people spend their free time on Wechat, merely chatting with the ir friends or updating their Wechat MoMents, which is really a waste of time. Apart from that, on Wechat, we Might make friends with soMeone in disguise who just wants to cheat our Money. In addition, the article we forward might tum out to be a ruMorsK Tosum tp We Chat has both advantages and disadvantages. but, I believe the advantages far outweithe disadvantages. Thus, we need to use the App wisely

