

館二节Hearing this,I felt my face turned red. Embarrassed and ashamed, I secretly complained that t【参考范文】gave me so stupid a gift to arouse otbers'derision. I even joined other girls in gossiping about my seeret irland the poor doll. When I continued with mean remarks, a girl sitting at the last row arose, anM CAme.Rcasting me an angry and disappointed look. With tears streaming down her face, shesecret friend and I'm sorry about the gift. Then she ran out of the classroom. Frozen with shock,I ournIte turned out that my secret friend was Rochelle, coming from a poor family. She had saved ever) panya single wordin her pocket money in order to give me a cool gift. With the limited money, she visited a lot.o sse ndfinally selected the lovely doll from a second-hand store. Actually, she gave me a most valuable git withhersincere heart. However, I didn't treasure it and hurt her badly in such a cruel way. So ashamed wal tat ittook me a few days to pluck up my courage to face up to Rochelle and apologize. Much to my delistisforgave me and later we became ithe best friends. Most importantly, we found where we belonged. be



