



二、阅读理解七选五本文是一篇说明文,本文主要介绍了福布斯教练委员会专家关于摆脱个人消极想法的几个建议。8.F根据空前的设问“ But how do you get rid of negative thoughts?”(但是你怎样摆脱消极想法)及x空后“ The views varied widely, but they all hadone idea in common: You are in control”可知,F项“ We asked members of the Forbes CoachesCouncil for advice.”(我们向福布斯教练委员会,专家寻求建议。)承上启下,符合语境,故选F9.E根据本段小标题“ Get around positive people.”(与积极的人交往)及分析选项可知,E项“Ge.i around positivity physically, through your earsand eyes"(通过你的耳朵和眼睛,接触积极的事物)与小标题相呼应。故选E。10.C根据空前的“ Expecting everything to be perfectbe disturbing and robs you of true happi-e5.”及空后的“ For example, if you are promo-ted next year-instead of this year, as expec-,r ted--does one year really change anything in thelong run?”可知,期望过于完美可能会让你失去真正的幸福,作者举例,如果你明年升职,而不是期待的今年,那么从长远来看,这一年是否真的改变了你?因此,作者的建议是,不要期望值过高,要把理想建立在现实的基础上。C项“Makesure your vision of success is rooted in reality(确保你对成功的憧憬根植于现实)切题,选项中的“ success与下文中的“ promoted”相呼应。故选C11.A分析段落结构可知,设空处为本段小标题。根据本段第一句“ Assuming a positive attitude is是 n intentional action."及文中的“ Your attitude isa choice,”可知,A项“ Become intentional aboutyour attitude.”(注意你的态度)符合语境。且intentional”和“ attitude”等词互相照应。故选A12.G根据空前的“ Your attitude is a choice.”及空后的“ The more you practice positive mind-shifts,the easier it becomes."可知,G项“ You attractwhat you focus on, so let go of what does notserve your goals.”(你吸引了你所关注的,所以放弃那些不会影响你目标的东西)承前启后,互为呼应,符合语境。故选G。

