

答案与解析】最后一段“ It turned out that the most beautiful part of the city had been mylood all along.”可知,作者认为还是自己的社区最漂亮ke those cows,t.”可推断,作者是在嘲笑自己28本文是一篇说明文。文章简要介绍了今年新晋级的部分世界自然与文化遗产C细节理解题。根据第三段“ The selection puts China near the top of the list ofWorld Heritage sites--right after Italy.”可知,意大利的世界自然与文化遗址最 Countries with the most29.D推理判断题。根据第三段“ On top of World Cultural Heritage Sites List is the World Emporium, an areaaround the Chinese city Quanzhou that was an important seaport stop on the Silk Road in the tenth century及第四段“ Located up in the mountains on an ancient business road, the site features.. Multiple-languageinscriptions(碑文), including Greek and Arabic, can be seen on the rocks.”可推断,它们都是古代国际商路上的重要站点。0.B细节理解题。根据第五段“ They were an agricultural experiment against poverty during the IndustrialRevolution where native people were forced against their wills to work on those farms. "A] * 0, Colonies ofBenevolence是工业革命期间欧洲殖民者利31.B细节理解题。根据第六段“ In India, Telangana' s beautifully decorated Ramappa Temple用强迫劳动经营的实验性农场to the list. The temple dates back to the 13 Bth century."可知,该庙是在十三世纪修建的 has been added【答案与解析】



