

C【解析】由图2可判断A、B、C、D相对能量的高低,A在沸石笼内转化为B、C、D等中间体的过程都是放热反应,A项正确;过程Ⅱ中发生反应的方程式为Cu(NH3)+NO一N2+H2O+NH#+Cu(NH3),反应中化合价升高的是Cu(NH3)2*中的N元素,化合价降低的是Cu(NH3)2中的Cu元素和NO中的N元素,可以判断脱除1 mol NO转移3mol电子,B项正确;根据图1可知,脱除NO的反应物为NO、NH3、O2,生成物为氮气和水,所以总反应的方程式为4NO+4NH3+O2=4N2+6H2O氧化剂为NO和O2,还原剂为NH3,氧化剂和还原剂的物质的量之比为5:4,C项错误;根据图1可知,沸石笼的反应物为Cu(NH3)和O2,根据图2可知B为[(NH3)2Cu-OOCu(NH3)2]2+,所以A到B的变化过程可表示为2Cu(NH3)+O2一[(NH3)2Cu-O-O-Cu(NH3)2]2+,D项正确。


第二节My dad tapped me gently on the shoulder, and we went inside. Sitting back to ourCornish chicken, Dad, smilingly, updated me on recent events at his work without a mere mentionof the crazy dough wildly dancing outside, which served wonderfully as a gentle embarrassmentreliever. However, while doing the dishes after dinner dad said to me with firmness in his voiceYou don' t have to be an expert to make bread, but you do have to do your research before takingactions. There is no such thing as an easy way out. And that was the starting point of my journeywith making the perfect breadAt a party three months later, everyone wanted to try my bread. The rest of the nightslipped away, filled with inquiries about my secret recipe. Yet, hardly was there a different answerother than, Beauty comes from balance and patience to be frank, that was exactly what I'dlearnt during my numerous experiments. An amazing loaf of bread required suitable balance ofingredients to mix as well as enormous patience of waiting for the dough to rise. Countless weremy failures to make tasty bread, every single moment of it was cherished. Along the journey, Ivedeveloped from the man whose dough sighs in a dustbin to the man whose bread makes your tastebut dance

