

短文改错Dear Mr Smith.Im writing to extend my sincerely thanks to you for your goodwill to me during your visit to London.sIncereOriginally I only wanted to call on you but convey my father's regards on my arrival in London the last week. But youinsisted that I stay in your house and attend to my life as if i were one of your family member. Your kindness made myattendedmemberstrip easier and happy than expected.appletWords fail to describe what grateful I am. I would like you to come A China and allow my family to returning yourretunkindness.Yours truly


七选五这是一篇说明文。用钱的时候,人们容易犯的三个错误是:想赚更多的积分、忽视账单、重复欠账。文章对这几个不良习惯进行了纠正并且指出了正确的做法。36.E上一句说旅游不便宜,下一句说但是钱不多也是可以去看很棒的地方的,构成转折关系。因此选E。37F此题易选D。但是下一句有they,在D项中无指代对象。因此不选D。而F中 volunteer in countries wherehelp is needed与小标题 make a difference相合,且 There are plenty of organizations正好是they指代内容。因此选F。38A由格式可知在AB中选。由下文的 One way to find teaching jobs abroad is可知选A。39.C首先,上文有 British Council正是C项的ⅱ指代内容。且C项的 language assistant programme也与上文提到的教语言有关。40.G上文提到了滑雪,G项有原词复现。且G项与上文也有转折关系。

