

第四部分写作第一节短文改错Last summer, my friend and meI VIsited BeijingsHutongs,which made us have the deandingBeijing. The Hutongs A mainly built during the Ming and:Qing dynasties. Nobodyknowsexactly how many Hutongthere are in Beijing. If we connected all the Hutongstogether, and the total length would even belong thanthe Great Wall. As is known. the great Wall is about4.000mlong. Some Hutongs arenarrow thatperson like me, in order to get through, has to walk sideways.And some Hutongs have more than S urns, thour delight, some are well preserved, where we can experience the typically life of old Beijing locals


【语篇导读】本文是说明文。几家大公司已经开始制造纸质瓶来取代玻璃瓶和塑料瓶。纸瓶虽然现在还在研发阶段,但在未来几年我们会看到它们出现在货架上。32.A【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段 The inside ofthe bottle needs a special coating to make sure the liuid doesn't leak through. Researchers have beenspending much time and energy on the vital challenge可知,纸瓶内部需要一层特殊的涂层,以确保液体不会漏出来。研究人员在这一重大挑战上花费了大量的时间和精力。故选A33.B【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段 A companycalled Paboco.. and teams up with them on the morecomplex problems to speed up the development of paperbottle technology.可知, Paboco公司正在设计自己的纸质瓶子,不去考虑传统意义上的它生来就要与同类公司竞争的想法,而是与其他同类公司合作以加快纸瓶技术的发展。故选B。34.D【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段 A companynamed Diageo has just announced the first paper bottlewith a non-plastic coating sprayed on the inside of theotls.可知, Diageo公司刚刚推出了第一款在瓶子内部喷涂非塑料涂层的纸瓶。故选D。5.C【解析】推理判断题。最后一段作者谈到:尽管在纸瓶可以取代玻璃瓶或塑料瓶之前还有很多测试要做,但有这么多的公司都在为同一个目标而努力我们可以期待在不久的将来看到纸瓶出现在商店的货架上。由此推知作者的态度是乐观的。故选C

