

Li HI第二节The next day when i arrived at school. I didn't findAlice. I felt everything was very dark. I had a bad feelingwhen I was looking for her. I found some guys werebothering Alice, and this time they were hitting her andpulling her hair. I heard one of the guys say, "You have togive me all your homework, or we'll keep on hitting youI did not know what to do. I was very worried, so mydecision was to call the policeWhen the police arrived, the guys who were bullyingAlice were caught. We all had to go to the school office. Iwas in the office as a witness. Alice was a victim, andhose who bullied her were guilty. When my parentsarrived, theyfelt piroud of me. Alice told her parenteverything. She was extremely grateful and kept thankingme. From that day on, I got a best friend for life, andAlice learned how to defend herself


15.(18分)(1)干燥管碱石灰(每空2分,共4分)(2)2NH4CI+ Ca(OH)2=CaCl2+ 2NH3+ 2H20(2分)(3)平衡压强,使分液漏斗中的液体顺利流出(2分)(4)NH4SCN KOH=KSCN NH31+ H2O(2分)(5)2NH3+Cr2O12-+8H=2Cr3++N2+TH2O(2分)(6)蒸发浓缩冷却结晶(每空1分,共2分)(7)①溶液红色褪去,且30s不变色②72.75%(每空2分,共4分)

