

第二节One possible wersionQuich, dets get some wet pawer toneis, " seid JudyEveryone sprang into action. Afler rubbing haid, ty namestill remained. I think I slw H can of cleaner by the sinkin thc coat room." I said as i raced to find it. We rubbedwith the cleaner and my name came off, but in the processof removing it. wc: left a friction Imark on the chulkbuurdHearing footsteps coning, we dried the wul urea as much aswe could with more paper towels.We were just slipping into our desks when the bell rengThe other students bewan entering the classroom. Theteacher walked in soon afterwards. Mrs. Eimer never askelabout the friction mark. Muybe she never nol iced il, lul Tdid. Every time I walked past the chalkboard, I remem-bered it. The lesson I leaned thot day is that"No one willever krow is never True, Even if no one else found out. Imyself knew. Sometimes living with, a guilty consciene ia


17.【解析】(1)设滑块在斜面上滑行的加速度为a,由牛顿第二定律有mosin 8-prngcos(1分)(1分)联立解得t=2.5s(1分)滑块在圆弧AB上运动过程,由机减能守恒定律有mv+mgR(1-cos6)=÷m(1分其中w=at1(1分)由牛顿第二定律有Fs(1分)联立解得轨道对滑块的支持力FB≈31.7N(1分)(2)滑块在小车上滑行时的加速度a1=p8g=3.5m/s2(1分)小车的加速度a=m=1.5m(1分小车与滑块达到共同速度时小车开始匀速看动满足vB-a1t2=a2t2分N由(1)可知滑块刚滑上小车的速度v=10m/s,最终同速时的速度v=v-a1t2=3m/s(1分)由能量守恒定律可得pmg·n=2mt-2(m+MI(1分)解得5=10m(1分)

