英语周报 JJY 2018-2022 八年答案


【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。“OK”这个词是这个星球上最常用的通用表达,它将于2021年3月23日达到182岁。不管人们来白哪里,他们都会用“OK”这个词,本文就“OK”这个词的历史进行展开,介绍了它的来源及发展史。8.C【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段 a New Yorkerhad spent the last few weeks handing out cards championing"Global OK Day" in advance of the coming annIvestry可知,在即将到来的周年纪念日之前,一位纽约人花了几个星期的时间分发卡片,支持“全球OK日”。所以亨利·纳斯发卡片是为了呼吁人们庆祝这个节日。故选C9.B【解析】推理判断题。根据第四段 The word isOK, perhaps, but its history is definitely better thanaverage可知,“OK"这个词可能很普及,但是它的历史绝对不够普及。所以通过关键词 better than average可以判断出,“OK”这个词的历史对人们来说是陌生的。故选B10.D【解析】词义猜测题。根据第七段 The humor ofthe Providencc-Boston joke has been lost to historybut the word OK took off from there, soon connoting(Va)agreement, acceptance, averageness, qualityor likability可知,这个关于普罗维登斯和波士顿的笑话已经是过去的历史了,但是“OK”这个词从此风摩,很快就包含了同意、接受、普通、优质或可爱的意思。所以通过上下文的语境可以判断出,画线单词okor”可能是 Became popular“受欢迎”的意思故选D。1l.A【解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段“OldKinderhook is OK, "posters stated, a reference to theeighth presidents birthplace and his supporters,beliefin his satisfactory performance可知,海报上写着“金德胡克很OK”,金德胡克指的是这位第八任美国总统的出生地。这句口号显示了跟随马丁·范布伦的党派对他的政治表现总体上还是比较满意的。可知,金德胡克是第八任总统的出生地。故选A


第二节One possible version:Dear RussellI,m glad to inform you that our school will hold anEnglish humorous story speech contest in the center hallthis Sunday in order to develop our sense of humor andpractice our spoken English. I' d like to invite you to takert in ItEvery participant is requested to prepare a humorousstory in English by themselves. So choose your story cau-tiously. The funnier your story is, the better it is. You areexpected to deliver your speech within five minutes. Youshould tell your story at a proper pace with a clear voiceLooking forward to your participation. I'm sure youwill be one of the winnersYoursLi Hu

英语周报 JJY 2018-2022 八年答案

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