

第三节One possible version:Work plays an extremely important role in Americanculture. sope ople find retirement difficultas they may feeluseless without jobs. Retirement can also bring financialproblems as Social Security cheeks dont provide enoughmoney. However, some senior citizens feel happy aboutretirement as they finally get time to do what they reallywant. American government is solving retired citizensproblems and considering their special needs, which is wiseand necessary, because everyone will get oid.


第二节One passible versionNeAimed at promoting our interest in reading and impro-ving our writing skills, an English reading and writing con-test is to be held in our school next monthThe contest consists of two parts, task-based writingand theme writing, both of which are good ways to show ourEnglish ability. All the students in our school are welcometo take part in the contest. Three winners will be chosen fora 15-day summer camp in London. If you re interestedplease come to the Students Union and sign up beforeSeptemberThere is no doubt that participants will benefit a lotfrom the contest. Don'I miss the valuable chance lThe Student's Union第三节One passible version

