英语周报 高一课标综合14期答案


15.(18分)(1)干燥管碱石灰(每空2分,共4分)(2)2NH4CI+ Ca(OH)2=CaCl2+ 2NH3+ 2H20(2分)(3)平衡压强,使分液漏斗中的液体顺利流出(2分)(4)NH4SCN KOH=KSCN NH31+ H2O(2分)(5)2NH3+Cr2O12-+8H=2Cr3++N2+TH2O(2分)(6)蒸发浓缩冷却结晶(每空1分,共2分)(7)①溶液红色褪去,且30s不变色②72.75%(每空2分,共4分)


语篇导读】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了九不剧以及它们的创作者。1A【解析】细节理解题。根据 Australian ComedCosi(5th Round )H Date: April 12-16 7: 30 p. m.:Venue: Beijing Poly Theatre Price: 800-1, 500 yuan可知,答案为A2.C【解析】细节理解题。根据 Twelfth Night By TNTTheatre Britain #f Viola (who pretends to be a boy fallsin love with Orsino. But Orsino in turn is in love withOlivia. When meeting"Viola, Olivia falls in love withher, thinking she is a man.可知,答案为C3.D【解析】细节理解题。根据 Jazz WeekendThomas Enhco Piano Recital #f He is spotted by PeterErskine, who offer to help with Thomas Enhco's firstyCD.In 2004-2005, Thomas creates and records his fiafirst album, esquisse, which is released in200可知是答案为D。

英语周报 高一课标综合14期答案

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