2021-2022 英语周报 八年级 GDY 10答案


【答案与解析】本文是一篇说明文。如果你关心孩子的书写并且希望他们的书写能有所提高,你可以关注本文给出的一些建议,这些建议可能会对改善孩子的书写有所帮助。36.E根据空前“ Before taking steps towards improving handwriting, it is key to understand the exact causes of your teens们如 boor handwriting..”可知,E项“这样的话,你的孩子就可以朝着正确的方向付出努力”符合G根据本段的小标题“ Choose the correct writing tool.”及空前“ Teens generally have to use pens to write.. Choose pensy checking the grip, width, tip and smoothness."可知,G项“查看一些笔之后选择你觉得最适合书写的几支笔”符合。38.D根据本段的小标题“ Pay attention to their posture(姿势).”及空后“ Check your teens' posture when they arewriting.”可知,D项“正确的书写姿势有助于大大地改善书写”符合,39.C根据空前“ The back should be straight; the feet should be well supported; the desk should be at the waist height,adegree or two higher than the height of their bent elbows(肘部).”及空后“ With the proper posture, your teens arelikely to write beautifully."可知,C项“此外,另一只手需要扶着纸张”符合,40.A根据本段的内容、尤其是“ Therefore, it is important to keep your teens staying enthusiastic..”及“ Your positivesupport will help them practise handwriting with more enthusiasm."可知,A项“让他们保持精神高涨”符合。



2021-2022 英语周报 八年级 GDY 10答案

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