

Abl= C16.、5-1【解析】∵sinC=2siA… TCBI sin~2为非零常数,故点B的轨迹是圆以线段AC中点为原点,AC所在直线为x轴建立直角坐标系,则A(-3,0),C(3,0),设B(x,y),∷|AB|=2|CB|,√(x+3)2+y=2√(x-3)2+yx2+y2-10x+9=0,整理得(x-5)2+y2=16因此,当△ABC面积最大时,AC边上的高为圓的半径4.此时|BC|=√2+4=25,|AB|=4√5,设内切圆的半径为,则×6×4=1×(45+25+6)r,解得r=4=5-1√5+1


第二节书面表达One possible versionDear peterI know you are interested in ancient Chinese cultureThere is a good news that an exhibition of ancient Chineseinventions will be held in our school next Monday. It willlast for five days. We can visit it at any time duringthe exhibitionThe show will display some great inventions in ancientChina. including the world-famous Four Great Inventionsthe compass, papermaking, gunpowder and printing. Theyhad significant effects on the development of society. Forexample, thanks to papermaking and printing, a great dealof ancient information has been kept in books. These greatancient inventions made tremendous contributions to theworld civilizationooking forward to your replyLi hu

