

第二节书面表达【写作指导】1.审题立意:本题要求就增设社团写一则征集意见启事而非表达自己对社团的想法,动笔前一定要看清题目要求和写作话题。2.构思谋篇:结合写作任务背景和所给任务要点,安排好内容和层次,铺设好各要点间的过渡,处理好开头和结尾。3.优化语言:词汇上可多使用形容词和短语,并适当使用多种亮点结构如非谓语动词短语、复合句和倒装句等。【佳作展台Your Opinions WantedTo help us develop wide interests as well as live a more colourful andelaxing campus life, our school intends to set up several new clubs ofextra-curricular activities. As everyone has their preference, we are hereto seek all your opinions so that the new clubs will satisfy you most. Youare expected to write down top three clubs you want and relative details inthe form which you can download on our school website. The form shouldbe sent to xhstudentunion 163. com by April 1 st. Every suggestion ischerished and just make your voice heard【亮点梳理】亮点词汇: intends, set up, preference, relativedetails, make your voice heard亮点句式:原因状语从句( As everyone has their preference),定语从句( which you can download on our school website)等。



