

36-40 DFEBA七选五:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了吃蘑菇的好处。36.D【解析】承接句。如果你搜索吃蘑菇的好处,你就会找到关于它们如何治疗或预防从癌症到心脏病的各种疾病的信息。因此蘑菇几乎是超级食物。37.F【解析】总结句。另一方面,蘑菇可以产生大量的维生素D一份100克的蘑菇就能满足50%到100%的日常维生素D的需求。38.E【解析】承接句。蘑菇的细胞里含有各种不能消化的碳水化合物,它们是可以帮助消化的纤维。39.B【解析】承接句。但这些说法缺乏确凿的证据,所以很难确定蘑菇的实际健康益处40.A【解析】主题句。根据下文可知,蘑菇不仅营养丰富,而且还很美味。


书面表达One possible versionI求Dear PeterI heve good news for you Our school Food Club will hold a dumpling- making activity. As you're interestedin Chinese food, I'm writing to invite you to join in the activity with me.As a kind of traditional Chinese food, dumplings are very popular during festivals, especially in the SpringFestival, when people will get together to make dumplings. The activity will begin at g am next Saturday in theschool canteen. First, (chefs) will teach us how to make dumplings step by step. Then, there will be a dumplingmaking competition in groups. Finally comes the most exciting part--enyoying our dumplings.Looking forward to your coming.Your

