英语周报 2018-2022 八年级 课标 33答案


15D【解析】通过超意可知T=T0=TD,选项D正确;由公式Gk=m(空)R,得T=C,Rc RC,所以vA=UB>v,选项B错误;升空越高,需要能量越多、越困难,选项RRR由C错误


第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)One day, my Spanish teacher asked if I could stay after class for a minute, that got me nervous asI thought I was in the trouble for something. It turned out she saw my paperwork and realize I was on the③3 realizedboard of the Key club. She told me that her son, Abraham, was autistic(自闭症的) but his doctorhad suggested he join a service club to help with her socialization. She asked if it would be impossiblefor me to speak with the rest of the board of letting abraham joinI immediately said I would, and the rest of the board enthusiastic about Abraham: at any activitywe did they all encouraged him, sat with him, and chatted with him, made sure he was having thebest time. It was real beautiful to seereally

英语周报 2018-2022 八年级 课标 33答案

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