2022英语周报 九年级新目标BZC答案


书面表达One possible versionDear PeterI'm writing to invite you to see the Chinese Painting Exhibition to be held in our city.The exhibition will start at 8: 30 am on Saturday and last till 5: 00 pm on Sunday in the city museum It'ssaid that a large number of Chinese paintings, some of which are original works by famous painters like ZhangDaqian and Qi Baishi, will be on display. Besides, there will be various souvenirs to be sold. I know you re veryinterested in traditional Chinese culture, so I can t wait to tell you the news and hope we can go together.Looking forward to your reply.You


19.(12分)(1)4NO2+4N2O4+3O2+6H2O=12HNO(2分)(2)-55.3(2分)(3)6%(2分)2945.3(2分)2分)③H(2分)【解析】(1)NO2和N2O4以物质的量之比1:1与O2和H2O恰好完全反应,化学方程式为4NO2+4N2O4+3O2+6H2O=12HNO3。(2)根据盖斯定律,I×2-Ⅱ得,2NO2(g)N2O4(g)△H=-4.4kJ·mol153.1kJ·mol-1=-55.3kJ·mol-1(3)①设起始时NO2(g)的物质的量为nmol,反应的物质的量为2xmol,根据三段式2NO2(g)=N2O4(g)起始(mol):n0反应(mol):2x平衡(mol):n-2xn2x+x97,解得x=3,NO2的转化率为则2m×100%=6%;平衡时n(NO2)=(n-2×n mmo=47nnoI, n100m,则p(NO2)=97P(NO2)×971Pa,p(N2O)=7×97kPa,Kp=p(N2O)2945.3kPa②B点压强大于E点,压强增大,化学反应速率加快,则v(B)>v(E)。③t2时刻移动活塞压强迅速增大,说明针筒内体积缩小,保持活塞位置木变后,平衡正向移动,混合气氵的物质的量逐渐减小,根据M=m可知,E、F、G、H四点中对应气体的平均相对分子质量最大的点氵为H

2022英语周报 九年级新目标BZC答案

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