2022英语周报 高二 6答案


16.【解析】(1)设金属板间的电场强度大小为E,离子做匀速直线运动受到的电场力和洛伦兹力平衡,有C=quo Bo(2分)解得E=vB0(1分)由左手定则可判断出离子受到的洛伦兹力方向竖直向上,所以电场力的方向竖直向下,故电场强度的方向竖直向下(1分(2)设A点离下金属板的高度为h,离子射出电场时的速度为v根据动能定理得gBh-2mu-I- mv分离子在电场中做类平抛运动,水平方向做匀速直线运动则有v=cos(1分联立解得h=(1分(3)设离子进入磁场后做匀速圆周运动的半径为r由几何关系得r根据牛顿第二定律得qB=my联立解得B=2m(1分0g:叶N


24-27 DDBB24D【解析】根据第二段“ When my children were young and likely to cause accidents, Ialwaysthought about what i could do to avoid an“ if onlv moment."可知。25D【解析】根据第三段“ We all know people who lost a loved one and regretted that…,"可知26B【解析】根据第三“ But then i thought about the fact that he's84 vears old and i realizedthat i shouldn' t give up an opportumity to see him.”可知。27B【解析】根据后一段“ I know there will still be occasions wheni have to say“ if onlyabout something. but mv life is definitely better.”可排除A和C;根据第三段“It' s equallyimportant to avoid“ if only" in our pers onalrelationships:可排除D

2022英语周报 高二 6答案

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