

【写作提示】1.审题:(1)明确故事人物:本故事中主要人物为柯斯迪和亨利;(2)厘清主要事件:柯斯迪的母亲与亨利的父亲重组了家庭,然而柯斯迪却有些难以接受。在一次舞台演出中,柯斯迪的戏服出了问题,裙子滑落,她在观众面前出糗,此时亨利及时帮助了她。2.写作要点:(1)亨利帮助柯斯迪将束带系好后,演出顺利进行;(2)柯斯迪在演出结束后向亨利真诚道谢,发自内心地接纳了亨利。【参考范文】Then Henry, beside Kirstie, came to her aid. He fixed her costumetying a fancy knot in the drawstring. To distract the audience's attention,he even made a joke about Kirstie, s "not"knowing knots, which madethe audience laugh again. But this time, the laugh felt good. Thanks toHenry's great help, Kirstie got through the rest of the play with delight andpassion, singing at all the right times. At the sight of joy and excitement onthe audience' s faces, she smiled brilliantly, lighting up the hallAfter the performers bowed and moved offstage, Kirstie, still inexcitement, began to search for her family in the crowd. Then in thecrowd, Kirstie saw her mother wink at her and her stepfather give her a-up. Finally, she found Henry and tapped hirshoulder. Kindly, she smiled at him and said, " Thanks for, youknow.""No problem, "Henry replied with his smile. Kirstie thoughtto herself that her mom was right about kindness and maybe it wasn't sobad to have a new person in her corner of the world after all【点评】该范文围绕原文内容进行了非常合理的续写,紧扣语境,逻辑紧密,详略得当。第一段紧扣所给开头语中的提示信息,讲述了亨利在柯斯迪遇到窘况时及时利用自己的打结技巧帮助了她,并利用笑话转移观众的注意力,从而使柯斯迪全心投入到演出中;第二段则紧承第一段内容,讲述了柯斯迪成功演出后真诚地向亨利道谢,并接纳亨利成为自己的家人。以上内容既合理地对故事情节进行了延续,尤其是亨利懂得如何打结并在柯斯迪遇到困难时伸出援助之手,又把柯斯迪妈妈所说的做善良的事融入故事中,柯斯迪深受感动之余,也打开了心结,从此接纳这个重组的新家庭,续写将整个故事带入到一个十分感人的情境中。范文中不乏较为高级的表达,如 distract one,'s attention, thanks to one' s greathelp, with delight and passion, at the sight of, light up等高级短语以及现在分词短语作状语、 which引导的非限制性定语从句、"it+be+d+todo.."等句式,使得文章语言表达丰富优美



