2021-2022 英语周报 九年级 FJM 13答案


17.( should) bedeveloped


第一节短文改错I have a warm story to share with you.school inSan Francisco not only accepted a deaf student, but alsoteach the entire class sign language to allow them totaughtbetter communicate with himIt was in September last year when a woman askedthe primary school to accept her six-year-old son, Jameswho, unfortunate, has a hearing disability. The teacherunfortunatelyLily, was agreed almost immediately. Therefore, on thefirst day of school, she noticed James sit all by ihimself, unable to communicate with any of hisclassmates. To find a solution, he came up with a brilliantidea-getting the whole class to learn sign language alongwith James. So they got a sign language teacher on board.And a couple of month later, James was able tocommunicate A all his classmates about homework andth

2021-2022 英语周报 九年级 FJM 13答案

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