

One possible versionThen I wondered whether the man would still be at the same spot. I walked out the doorand back to the street where I had met him. There the man was, at the same spot, knees curledup against his chest, with the same cardboard sign shading his head. I walked down the street,and before I could think twice, I stood before him. He cautiously glanced in my direction.Ismiled and held up the lunch bag. "I brought you some lunch, "I saidI handed him the bag, and he looked closely at it. " Thank you for this. I was praying thismorning, asking for someone,s heart to open. We talked for a little while. As he shared hisstory, there was an, open, honest tone in his voice. There was something about giving thatmade me feel like I was talking with a brother. "I hope you have a nice day, "I told him<"Thank you! It's already gotten a lot better, " he said. As I walked by, his thank fulness hadbecome mind. My day, too, had already gotten a lot better. Anything helps, indeed


One possible version:Dear Janehere will he a Huangmei Opera vs, Qiong Opera concert in our sehool. Knowing that you are interested in Chineselocal operas, I' d like to invite you to attend itThe concert is to be held in the lecture hall of our school at 7: 00 pm this Sunday. Some teachers and students willperform Huangmei opera and Qiong opera. Im sure they will give you a very impressive concert, through which you willearn more about our local operas.Looking forward to your coming.Yours sLi He

