英语周报 2017-2018 九年 新课程 1答案


书面表达unlock the door, you'll never get inneDear MikeHow is everything going? I'm writing to tell you that next weIr's said that many fantastic works of art have been prepared to be exhibited, such as paper cuttings, shadow plays andll holdart exhibiChinese knots. Through these amazing works we're sure to learn more about the colorful history and great value of Chineseulture, Also, during this activity we can know about some great artists who have made these awesome works.Going together with me. you will surely have an unforgettable experience, Looking forward to your early reply【高三核摸拟英语(参考答案


本文是一篇记叙文。13岁女孩 Nadia Sparkes尽管被同学耻笑为“垃圾女孩”,她却初心不改,坚持在上学途中拾垃圾保护环境并因此获得了由英国首相亲手颁发的“光点”奖章。41.A.根据下文“ She could either stop collecting the plastic”可知,13岁女孩 Nadia Sparkes在上学路上收集的是塑料( plastic)垃圾42.D她也因此被嘲笑( Laughed at为“垃圾女孩”143.A然而( However),她并没有放弃4.C她还因此赢得了(won)“光点”奖章。45.A这是对她环保努力的认可( recognition)46.C本周五,英国首相将给她颁发( present)奖章。大47,A她的故事在社交网站上受到了广泛的关注( attention)。48.B她说她不会因为被欺凌而停止去做正确的(ight)事情。41质女孩”,也要他们带着尊重的口气这么喊她01他们要地为输以生存的世界11为是有护他们(她用以半战胜确者0505一002D)的妈3、B她可以放弃收集塑判垃级,并期盼他们不来打忧自己。 leave sb alone为固定短语,意为“不理会某人,不打扰某她告诉自已的女儿M有两个选样人64.C凌者可以章所e来开玩笑,但是塑料垃圾可不是件可以开玩笑的事情(joke)56.D全球每年大概有八百万吨的塑料垃圾进人( enler)海洋。56,C57.A匈为的一位粉丝认为,她的行为值得 eserver)肯定parke她是为让英国变得千净整洁(tdy)68.D那位粉丝感到这也是像岛甲kea这样的孩子为什么会被称为未来的领导者( leaders),的原因。59.B他们侧不舍(kgu她成为未来的纵导者。我们可以指望(e

英语周报 2017-2018 九年 新课程 1答案

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