



第二节文章出处:本文选自hps:/aw. splendidtable.ag,原文标题是" How tobe interesting at a dinner party"《如何在晚会上变得有趣》语篇类型:说明文主題语境:人与社会一社会生活—人际沟通文章大意:本文介绍了如何在晚宴上让自己变得有趣核心素养:文章给出了让自己在晚宴上变得有趣的四条建议,实用性强,有助于考生学会怎样与人交流,提高自身的人际交往能力,与人和谐相处,树立良好的人际关系。36.B考查段落主旨句。根据空后的"iyou' re out of your comfort zoneor if you're wandering into somebody,'s house for the first time"可知,空处内容应与走出舒适区或者第一次去别人的家里的做法有关,再结合下文的" just to show up and be adventurous, trying different foods andtalking to strangers"可知,露面、敢于冒险,尝试不同的食物以及和陌生人交谈是应该做的事。B项" The first step is to go exploring"(第步是去探索)是对这些做法的总结,符合语境。37.c考査上下文衔接。根据此空后的逗号和空后的句子可知,此空应该填人一个从句。再根据空后的” I have this old, broken-downvehicle""I rode the bus with these crazy people who were laughing atsilly jokes in the back"可知,空处应与涉及交通方式的问题有关。C项"如果你问·你怎么来的’?"符合语境。38.F考查段落主旨句。根据空后的问号可知,此处应填入一个问句,故把答案锁定在A、F两项中。空后的" I you can't take their wineaway"" their soapbox(讲台)"与F项中的" has had too much todink"won' t stop talking"分别对应,故选F项。39.E考查上下文衔接。E项"或者把谈话转向一个他们几乎无话可说的话题"承接空前的"Iyou' re the host, you can ask them to help youin the kitchen with something and just remove them from the situation给出了另一种选择,符合语境。40.G考查上下文衔接。本段主要讲面对" dinner-party killer: awkwardsilence"(晚宴杀手:尴尬的沉默)时应该怎么办。根据空前的"thenly thing that always gets everyone talking again is to give the host acompliment(赞扬)"可知,解决办法是赞扬晚宴的主人,G项"Heorshe is the person who is feeling the weight of that awkwardness the most"(他或她是最能感受到这种尴尬的人)符合语境。G选项中的"Heorshe"指代 the host," awkwardness"同义复现也是解题提示。次精读”【核心单词】 wanderυ漫步;游荡;闲追;徘徊 adventurous ac小有冒险精神的;大胆开拓的 broken- down a状况很差的;出故障的klrn.杀手;辣手的事 awkward吨令人尴尬的;使人难堪的 extremely adu.极其;非常【核心短语】 comfort zone舒逅区show叩如约赶到;出现;露面 otherthan除……以外;不同于 bring in引入;赚得 be faced with面临;面对

