2022英语周报 九年级 上册 第九期答案


Dear JackIm glad to know that you are paying more attention toyour health and' planning to take part in a fitness project. Ithink it is wise of you to do so because nothing ismoreimportant than health in the world. Without health, we canhardly live a happy lifeAs to the way to keep"fit, I suggest you shouldplaying table tennis. It can not only get your musclesinvolved when you play but also benefit your eyesightWhat's more, it can improve your balance and keep yourbrain sharp. So I'm sure you can be much stronger bypracticing itLooking forward to receiving your good newsYours sincerelyLi Hu


4.(12分)1团H(2分)(2)sp2、sp2(2分)7NA(或7×6.02×102或4,214×102)(2分)(3)正四面体形(2分)S0-(或PO-)(2分,其他合理答案也给分)7(4)NH分子中有一对未成键的孤电子对,它对成键电子的排斥作用较强,CH4分子中不含孤电子对(2分)【解析】(1)基态C原子的价电子排布图为团团口(2)CH2COOH中,甲基中C原子采取sp2杂化,羧基中C原子采取sp2杂化。1个CH3COOH分子中含有7个σ键,故1 mol CH2COOH分子中含有76.02×102个g键。(3C分子中C原子的价层电子对数为4+(4-4×1)=4,孤电子对数为0,故CCl4的立体构型为正四面体形;与CCl互为等电子体的离子有SO;、PO等。(4)NH,和CH,中的中心原子都是sp3杂化,NH分子中有一对未成键的孤电子对,它对成键电子的排斥作用较强,CH,分子中不含孤电子对,故FH3子为三角锥形,CH4分子为正四面体形。

2022英语周报  九年级  上册  第九期答案

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