



Peter was elected as one of the Top Ten Volunteers lastweek. He is the senior in our school. He's willing tohelp whatever is in need and has devoted much time towhoeverserve others. First of all. he went to bus stationsservingparks as well A libraries and museums to dovoluntarily work. Secondly, he looked after an old ladyvoluntaryho lived alone when she was free. Thirdly, atweekends, he teaches some children English, andexcited their interested in learning. In addition,inspiring by his story, many students have becomeinspiredvolunteers too. Therefore. it was a title that he w第一处:the→a冠词错误。他是我们学校的一个毕业班学生。此处表泛指,应用不定冠词a。第二处: whatever→ whoever连接词错误。此处表示”他愿意帮助任何有困难的人",故用hoever"无论是谁"引导宾语从句, whoever在从句中作主语。第三处: serve→ serving非谓语动词错误。devote.,to..结构中的to是介词,其后应该接动名词作宾语。@知识拓展带介词to的常见短语: get down to开始做(某事);keep to不离开(某一道路、方向、地方等),遵守,遵从; contribute to捐助,促成,投稿; take to喜欢上,养成……习惯,开始沉湎于; lead to导致;lokforward to期待; stick to坚持; object to反对; see to处理,照料; pay attention to注意; be addicted to沉迷于,对……上瘾;be/ get used to习惯于; expose.to..使暴露,使遭受,使接触; settle(down)to开始认真对待,定下心来做。第四处: as well后加as定搭配错误。此处表示"公共汽车站、公园以及图书馆和博物馆”,故用as well as"和,也"。第五处: voluntarily→ voluntary形容词错误。此处表示"做志愿者工作", voluntary work"志愿者工作"。第六处:she→he代词错误。根据语境可知,此处表示 Peter暇时照顾独居的老太太。when后的代词指代 Peter,故用heo第七处: teaches-taught时态错误。整篇文章主要讲述 Peter做过的事情,因此应该用一般过去时。下文的 and excited也是提示。第八处: interested- interest词性错误。形容词性物主代词 their后应该用名词,作动词 excited的宾语。 excite one' s Interest In."激发某人对的兴趣”。第九处: Inspiring→ inspired非谓语动词错误。很多学生被 Peter的故事鼓舞,也成了志愿者。nspire与句子主语 many students是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作状语。第十处:删除 really前的was语态错误。that引导定语从句,且在从句中作 deserved的宾语,he与deserved之间是主动关系,故was是多余的。

