

第二节【写作提示1.审题:(1)人称:以第三人称为主;(2)时态:以一般现在时为主;(3)体裁:议论文。2.写作要点:(1)归纳原文要点:研究发现,在美国,大多数人在退休离开全职工作后,也会继续做其他工作,这源于人们对待退休的态度发生了变化;同时研究发现,推迟退休有助于延长寿命。(2)暗去细节信息,突出重点;(3]精炼语言。【参考范文As a survey reveals, a majority of elderly people proceed to achievelife value after retirement, which leads to their being called" nevertirees",(要点1) and they are quite willing to do so.(要点2Actually, postponing retirement helps extend the life span. (3R 3)This results from the change of people's attitude toward retirement, whichis no longer regarded as a compensation but as commitment (R 4)However, opinions are divided on this topic. (2R5)【点评】该范文准确地把握了文中的五个要点,无一遗漏或偏差,同时略去了不必要的细节信息,使重点突出,要点鲜明。语法结构运用准确,词汇运用和同义词转换恰当而丰富,言简意赅。要点1中使用了非限制性定语从句,并用 proceed to achieve life value after retirement代替原文中的 continue working,引出原文中" nevertarees"这一概念要点2用 willing这个词来概括 has no one forcing his hand;要点3使用 extend the life span说明原文中的 elderly people are trying to chealdeath以及 In fact, they are,Andi' s working.,更加直接清晰;要点4分析产生这种现象的原因是人们对退休的态度发生了改变,并用compensation来代替原文中的 reward,用 commitment来代替原文中的contribution;要点5指出人们对此现象意见不一。此外,andactually, however等衔接词的使用也使本文逻辑紧密,过渡自然。总之,本文思路清晰,行文连贯,词汇选择丰富,充分体现了语言表达的独立性。


语篇解读:本文中, Wechsler分享了四种成功的快速阅读技巧21.B细节理解题。由第一段“Here, Wechsler shares four of the techniquessuccessful speed readers use."可知, Wechsler分享的四种技巧是帮助读者实现快速阅读的。22.D细节理解题。由第四个小标题下“ Use positive self- talk to reprogram yourhelief system regarding reading.”一句可知,阅读者可以使用积极的自我鼓励来树立快速阅读自信。23,A细节理解题。由第三段" Your peripheral vision will pick up six words oneither side of the point..”一句可知,在阅读时使用指示工具,视野中会看到左右两边各6个单词,总共约12个。24.C细节理解题。由第五段“ Think of reading a sentence in three or fourhunks instead of reading every word. and you can see how much faster youwould get through the material.”一句可知,把一个句子分成三到四个语块,而不是把每个单词都读一遍,阅读速率会大大提高。

