

书面表达One possible version:Dear Jack,I am happy to know that you are to spend some time in China. I recommend you stay in Beijing, the capital andcultural center of China.First of all, there are a lot of museums where precious relics of historical interest are waiting for you toexplore. Besides, the exceptional Peking Opera performances there are also what you can t miss. And the city isalso best known for its abundance of ancient buildings, which are still well preserved.I hope that you will have a good time in China.Yours sincerely,Li Hua


第二节体裁:说明文主题:人与自我—如何成为一个负责任的青少年【语篇导读】本文主要就如何成为一个负责任的青少年提出了几点建议36.G【解题思路】空处起承上启下的作用。根据空处上文可知,作为一个青少年,“我们”有时会有很多困扰,比如要承受来自父母的期望、学校的功课和与朋友之间关系的压力;接下来几段就如何成为一个负责任的青少年提出了几点建议,所以空处应是在说“我们”该如何正确看待这些压力。故G项符合语境。G项中的them指代上文的“ between parentalexpectations, school work, and relationships with37.F【解题思路】根据上文可知,如果父母仍然在“我们”身后帮忙收拾房间,那么他们会认为“我们”没有能力去承担其他责任。所以F项“通过整理好我们的房间来证明我们能照看好自己的东西。”承接上一句的内容,并且和本段小标题相呼应。故选F。38.D【解题思路】根据空后的“Yes, homeworkcan be troublesome, but doing it will help umake progress in our study."和本段倒数第二句Meanwhile, working hard can lead to goodgrades.”可知,空处应提到与 homework和workhard有关的内容。故D项“记住要努力学习并交作业。”符合语境。干扰项分析·C项干扰性较强。本段提到要努力获得好的成绩,以及获得好成绩的方法:做作业、上课和学习相关资料,但未提到这样做在事业上也能够获得成功,故排除C项。39.E【解题思路】根据本段的小标题“ Get a parttime or summer job.”可知,本段的建议是让青少年找份兼职或暑期工作。空前一句“ Duringthe school vear. try not to work more tha10-15 hours a week.”提到在上学期间做兼职,所以空处应提到在暑假工作。故E项“此外,我们可以有更多的机会在暑假工作。”符合该处语境。40.A【解题思路】空处是本段的小标题。根据下文中的“ If we start getting angry, take a fewseconds to think about why we are upset and howwe can deal with this situation. Consider theconsequences of each reaction before we decide可知,“我们”做决定之前应该考虑每种反应的结果,也就是说做事要三思而后行。故选A。汇积累 expectation I希望;盼望relationship n.关系;关联 pick up(为某人)收拾,整理 grateful a小.感激的;表示感谢的troublesome adj.令人烦恼的;讨厌的;令人痛苦的take on承担(贵任) consequence n结果;后果reaction n.反应;感应

