



审题指导本篇写作要求考生结合祖国发生的巨大变化,以“ My sincere thanks to the Communist Party ofChina"为题写一篇英语发言稿。根据写作要求,文章应该以第一人称为主,时态应用一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时和现在完成时等,内容包含“原因”与“行动”两个要点并适当加以拓展。【参考范文My sincere thanks to the CommunistParty of ChinaConsidering huge nationwide changes, I'd like toconvey my sincere thanks to the Communist Party ofChina. As we all know, after hard struggles, ounation has achieved huge success, from standing upto getting wealthy and powerful. However, withoutChinas reform and opening-up, there would be noprosperous China; without scientific developmenthere would be no harmonious China! Undoubtedlyit's our Party's wise leadership that has brought aboutthese amazing changesNational strength begins wItimprovement. To contribute remarkably to realizingthe Chinese dream. I'm determined to achieve alllevelopment. Currently, achieving academicexcellence is essential for me. I really wish I can jointhe Party and become a pioneer and role model inthe futureDear Party, heartfelt thanks to you again!That's all. Thank you!亮点评析》本篇范文紧扣内容要点,内容包含历史事实、社会形势和自身角色,表达合理,层次清晰。本篇范文的表达方式灵活多样,语篇衔接自然,强调句型( Undoubtedly,it' s our Party' s wIseleadership that has brought about these amazinchanges.)、虛拟语气与排比手法( However, withoutChinas reform and opening-up, there would be noprosperous China; without scientific development,there would be no harmonious China!)等句型的运用提升了文章的档次。

