

2.(1)甲苯(1分)(2)羟基(1分)14(1分)(3)有砖红色沉淀生成(1分)CHOCOONa+2Cu(OH)2+NaOH一Cu2O++3H2O(2分)HOOCNHz(4)(2分)1(2分)(5)HC-CH0H(分)CH. CI【解析】由合战路线可知A为B为cHOOCHCH OHCHO为E为、F为CIOCCH、H为、G为nd 2SH(1)A为,其名称为甲苯CH, OHCHO2C为官能团为羟基,D为O最多有14个原子共面。(3)醛基可以被新制备的氢氧化铜溶液氧化,有砖红色沉淀CHO生成发生反应的化学方程式为+2Cu(OH)2+COONNaoH -4.+CuO¥+3H2O)。HOOC(4)E为,含有碳碳双键,双键上的两个碳原子连接的均为不同的原子或原子团,所以存在顺反异构相同原子或原子团在双键异侧为反式结构,所以E的反式结构为HOOC;H的结构简式为(5)J是E的同分异构体。①J是二取代的芳香族化合物,即苯环上有两个取代基。②核磁共振氢谱上显示J的苯环上有两种化学环境的氬,则两个取代基不同,应处于对位。③J可水解,水解产物遇到FeCl溶液显紫色,说明含有酯基,且酯基水解后生成酚羟基。则符合条件的的结构简式为H:C=cH-(xcH


One possible versionThe Most Beautiful Place in My HeartAs a 17-year-ol teenager, I ve been to many great cities, among which Luoyang is the most beautiful one inlocated on the north bank of the luo river in western Henan pruvinee l aovany is surrounded by mountains on threesidles, high in the west and low in the east. At the end of 2019, Luoyang had a population of more than 7. I millionI love Luoyang so much due to the fact that as one of the four ancient capitals of China, Luoyang has a civilizationhistory of 5, 000 years. Whats more, the number of its heritage sites is second only to Beijing in cities of China. And itfamous tourist attractions inelude Lungmen Grottoes, Baima Temple, Guanlin and so on

