

第二节书面表达Dear simonHeearing of your generous donation of masks and selfless voluntary service, were quite touched On behalf ofthe Students' UnionI am writing to express our deepest gratitude.Affected by the new coronary pneumonia, our city was in urgent need of protective articles such as masks afew days earlier. Without the 50,000 masks you donated, medical workers would still be in dilemma. In additionwe especially appreciate your giving up the whole Spring Festival holiday and volunteeringto serve people in thecommunity. It really reduces the volunteers workload and makes residents'life easierPlease accept oursincere thanks for your timely and selfless helpand do take great care of your own safetyduring this special period. Best wishes! (121 words)YoursLi Hua


【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。西伯利亚贝加尔湖多年的冰环之谜终于被解开了,答案就在于冰面下方的暖流漩涡:科学家们对漩涡的成因也有了初步判断,正在进一步的探索中28.【答案】D【命题意图】词义猜测题。【解析】第四段该句中, while表对比, ephemeral与 lasted for weeks or even months“持久的”意义相反,是“暂时的”B项为现在的,目前的”,与“过去的”(0)和“将来的m意义相对,所以不对。A、C则与whil后文意义不能形成对比。29.【答案】B【命题意图】细节事实题。【解析】考查因果关系。从第二段第三句 In the eddy center, the ice does not melt-- even though the water iswam- -because the currents are weak可知B项正确,因为暖流不够急促,所以造成只有冰的边缘才能融解的现象:A项偷换概念,从第三段最后一句可知漩涡水温高于周边水温,不是冰环中心与边缘温差的比较,更不是题干原因;C项同样表述有误,从第四段第一句可知其讲述的是 Most of the rings,不是 the ice in the center of ice rings,而且答非所问;D项表述不准确,从第二段第二句可知, water inthe centre应改为 warm eddies,并且不是冰环中心保持冻结的原因。30.【答案】C【命题意图】细节理解题【解析】从文章最后一段可知C项正确。从最后一段第一句 Researchers are still investigating what causesBaikal's eddies.可知 Baikal' s eddies的成因尚不明确,故A项错误,根据第一段第二句,A项可改为the rings are caused by warm, circular currents.;根据第二段第一句可知B项表述错误;根据第三段Kouraev and his colleagues.. set sensors capable of measuringg the temperature and salinityof the water to adepth of700fet可知D项偷换概念。31.【答案】A【命题意图】标题归纳题。【解析】此文主要介绍了西伯利亚贝加尔湖多年的冰环之谜答案在于冰面下方的暖流漩涡,所以选A。解答漩涡之谜并非本文重点,只在最后提及而已,B项表述有误:C项的范围太大;D项范围缩小,不足以概括文章。

